Favourite Super Bowl LII Trailers


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This is my personal list of trailers for films and TV series that aired during this year’s Super Bowl that I liked. They got me interested in what they were advertising and made me really excited to see them. Some unexpectedly more than most. In fact, all of them made me more excited than the other trailers that aired for films that I’m super excited to see.

This is not at all a ranked list. The order is completely random. This is the order they appeared in in my YouTube subscriptions feed as they rolled out onto the internet. Now with that said, let’s take a look at these trailers and why I liked them.

A Quiet Place

I’d heard about his movie starring IRL husband and wife duo Emily Blunt and John Krasinski called A Quiet Place but I never looked it up. Because of this trailer I did. I find the premise fascinating and it looks to be a film filled with well-crafted tension and suspense. I’d like to know what these monsters are and how they go there, but even if the film never explores that I think I wouldn’t mind. It depends on if it’s actually good and/or enjoyable and how well executed it is. Plus, I already hate the kid with the plane.

It’ll also be interesting to see how much chemistry Emily Blunt and John Krasinski have on screen together. Not all IRL married couples play couples well in films. Let’s not forget Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Unlike most people – many of whom I should probably reconsider calling my friends – I actually enjoyed the first Jurassic World movie. Was it good? No. Was it stupid? Yes. Was it fun (for me)? Hell yes! Especially the dino fight in the end when the T-Rex and Blue fought the Indominus Rex and fed it to the giant aquatic dino. That was awesome!

The first trailer for this movie I didn’t like at all. For the pure and simple fact that the premise seems to be that they’re going back to the park to rescue the dinosaurs from a volcanic eruption. For which my immediate reaction was: “This makes no sense. You could just let them die. They’re of no financial importance to the company anymore.” Heartless, I know. But from a story standpoint it just was nonsensical to me.

But this trailer hooked me. I’m so intrigued! I just want to know what the hell is going on in this movie and it looks to be a lot.

My only complaint so far, apart from the saving the dinos thing, is this looks like a re-thread of The Lost World. They went back to the island and took dinos home and now they’re doing that in this new movie too. Also, they made another one? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ANOTHER ONE?! That went so well in the last movie right? Oh and that one kid. The moment I saw him on screen I got the feeling that I’d hate his character who would prove to be ultimately useless.

The Cloverfield Paradox

I was so excited when this trailer dropped. New Cloverfield? Months before we were told we would get it? AND it’ll explain how these films, which up until this point we’d been told weren’t connected, are connected? And it’s tonight?!

Imagine my disappointment when I actually saw the film.

Mission Impossible: Fallout

Two words: Henry Cavill. I think this trailer reacquainted me with how hot he is because, to be honest, he’s so boring in the DCEU as Superman that I don’t pay the guy much attention. The fact that he’s rocking an epic pornstache helps quite a bit too. My favourite part of the trailer was when he was gearing up to fight with Tom Cruise and the SFX synced with his arm movements. I also forgot that he’s a bit of an action star and is pretty good at executing fight choreography (Immortals anyone? That movie needs a sequel).

Other than making me love Henry Cavill in the span of one shot, it’s just a really thrilling trailer that sells the movie as an action film so very, very well. I don’t even care about the story. I’m here for the action. It just looks like I’d have a great time watching it. I kind of regret leaving it off of my list of 20 Must-See Films This Year.

I’ve only ever seen one Mission Impossible film (Ghost Protocol) and while I didn’t intentionally skip Rogue Nation, this trailer makes me want to see that film too!



It’s the season two we’ve all been waiting for! Quite patiently I might add since we didn’t get it last year. We finally get to see some new footage from the upcoming season of Westworld.

The revolution continues as the hosts carry on fighting for their freedom and tearing down the people and the establishment that has exploited them for decades. Dolores and Maeve look like they’re coming more into their own as bad asses, Bernard’s still around, Delos is losing it seems and younger William is there too. So maybe we get flashbacks to what he did in the real world after his first visit to Westworld and what he did in his subsequent visits. I’m more interested in the latter.

With no Game of Thrones this year, Westworld is the perfect show to fill the void and it’s the perfect replacement for the former when it’s no longer airing.

As for the other trailers, they didn’t move me at all. They were pretty boring in that by the end of them I felt pretty “meh.”

Avengers: Infinity War had some new footage but it lacked the punch of the first trailer. I didn’t care about Solo: A Star Wars Story before seeing a trailer for it and this one didn’t make me care about it even a little bit more. Skyscraper…I’m getting tired of seeing Dwayne Johnson to be honest; he’s reaching the point of overexposure. Like Infinity War, Red Sparrow has had better trailers. I don’t care about Jack Ryan and although I love the idea behind Castle Rock, the trailer didn’t do much in the way of convincing me to watch it.

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K.F. Cumberbatch
K.F. Cumberbatch
An avid reader who accidentally discovered her love and talent for writing and has loved movies for as long as she has been watching them. Stumbled into film-making and found her second love because she decided to read for a degree in it on a whim - kind of. Creator and producer of ZEITGEIST!




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