Gaming News: 2nd of December, 2016 Edition


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The annual hosting of the Game Awards was held last night and as usual we saw a whole load of game trailer debuts which garnered more interest that the awards themselves. Honestly to go through the entire event would take quite a while, so instead, we shall make note of the interesting highlights.

All of us who followed the event last year would find it hard not to remember how the respected director, Hideo Kojima, was barred from being part of the event thanks to his falling out with Konami. The host of the awards, Geoff Keighley, told the crowd, “What happened to Hideo Kojima last year was a tragedy,” this however received vindication this year, after he presented Kojima with the show’s Industry Icon award.

In accepting the award, Kojima said, “Last year, I thought I lost everything…but I didn’t lose anything.” It’s true, if anything to us gamers, Kojima has gotten off the sinking ship known as Konami, and to reinforce that fact, he revealed a brand new trailer for his upcoming title, Death Stranding.

Creepy yet beautiful- clearly this game is shaping up to be one of Kojima’s most interesting. The clip features a 3D-rendered version of noted filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro walking into a cavern, with a baby in capsule. What got the crowd going though was the surprise appearance from actor Mads Mikkelsen, who appears to be the main antagonist in the story. At first you had my curiosity… now you have my attention Kojima… also Fuck Konami

Other notable trailers that dropped were this Zelda: Breathe of the Wild Trailer:

And this Mass Effect Andromeda trailer:

My PC brethren, your time has come to show who is the true master race. After years of back and forth arguing between players from all the platforms about who is better, Microsoft set the arena for this much request clash of the worlds. This weekend, Microsoft is going to rollout a public crossplay test for Gears of War 4 in order to settle once and for all, who is the true maser race. The cross platform test will be open between today, Friday the 2nd, and Monday December the 5th.

Community Manager OctusTC had this to say on the Gears of War forums yesterday:

“Crossplay is divisive in any Versus experience, and Gears of War 4 is no different… from the beginning, we stated our intention to keep both platforms separate in non-cooperative game modes in order to preserve competitive balance. Conserving a fair, competitive environment remains a top priority for us.”

Ignoring that fact that PC gamers have mouse and keyboard to use games, they also have the added benefit of more powerful systems that are capable at running at higher resolutions and improved frame rates that console peasants players would not be able to match.

It is now my duty to say this to gamers from both Xbox One and the PC…Let the games begin!!!

And finally some smaller news of the week, the team behind Rocket League has announced a new free arena coming to the popular game on December the 7th. The new arena is titled, Starbase Arc, and as you can imagine, is set in the regions of space, with the playing field orbiting a planet. As with most of the updates, a new car is available, though you will have to buy it.

The trailer is listed below for your endulgement.

Let us know what you think of these gaming stories of the week, and as always, keep locked to this space

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Zamfir Waltz
Zamfir Waltz
A Photojournalist by profession, and avid Tech enthusiast, Shamar Blunt has had over 7 years of experience working in journalism and media production from his frequent work with Barbados TODAY, to functioning as a wedding and events photographer under his brand 'Framerate Photography. Shamar has worked on a variety of projects, from providing video work for the Barbados Heart and Stroke Foundation, to fashion photography for many runway projects, and much more. His work has also been featured on several social media pages ran by the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc (BTMI)




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